• A gang can have a maximum of 8 members at a time.
  • You can’t kill the KP if this happens it will result in a gang strike or your gang to be disbanded.
  • There may only be a maximum of 8 gang members per side in any criminal scene at any time. (gang admins may authorize more during gang events)
  • Gang wars need to have a valid RP reason behind it
  • Metagaming is against server rules, if found guilty of this offense during gang RP, the gang is at risk of being wiped. (this includes but is not limited to: in calls why being in server, taking OOC information in game, stream sniping etc.)
  • Changing your gang name will result in a wipe of all stats, you will have to start over with the new name.
  • PD is an amber zone, as stated in the server rules.

There will be no infiltration of PD Buildings for any reason, unless authorized by Gang Admins or during events.

  • Heists cannot be started 30 minutes before any storm.


  • War will only end when both parties have a sit down with the KP ( If the gang leader wants to call a stop to the war this will result in a payment for the other gang )
  • Green zones and Amber zones rules still apply.
  • You may only kill another war party if distinguished / identifiable in gang clothing / vehicles.
  • You must wear full gang clothing during the duration of the war. You may not wear any other clothing.
  • Gang owned compounds can be attacked at any time these become red zones KOS.
  • Only 2 pistol carriers can be active at a time else must be carrying melee weapons.
  • Ramming vehicles is allowed to only war parties.
  • Only the initial 2 war parties can be involved, this extends to communications, comments etc.

Breaking any of the above rules could result in gang strikes, Removal of the gang or even character wiping if deemed necessary (Including other punishments of bans etc).

Any and all rules may be subjected to changes if needed, please make sure you and all your gang members are up to date with the rules.

Any questions about rules? Please feel free to open a support ticket in the main Magna RP discord!

End Of Rules

Magna RP Gang Rules

All of these rules must be followed at all times by every player/member who is apart of any criminal gang/group. Rule breaks will be dealt with by server moderation.

Rules Status
Approved By



For Gangs Only

Updated: 26/12/24

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